This project was canceled, the priest got too scared of the content and he refused to do it. We are not
surprised about it: John 8:32 says: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"
You won't see the details till it gets tighter, it's the first oil layer, so, PATIENCE. This project it's not about faith coz i don't have it, it's about history, and that a doubt a lot about lol. So yeah... "todo es mentira en este mundo, todo es mentira la verdad" manu chao sings.

This is the color sketch that is coming along, doing a lot of research on every single figure, from Clemente VII to Huitzilopochtli. Learning a lot about textiles from central and south america, learning a lot about the 3 first missioners and the catholic queen who left an ignored testament.